Ellen was my one and only true love.
For 29 years she was the light of my life. She brought joy, color and life into my world.
She fought her cancer with every bit of her mind and body, enduring grueling treatments and suffering from months of pain trying to stay alive for me and Zack.
She died a few hours after my final visit to the hospital. She was in a comatose state, but her body was still fighting for life.
I told her I loved her. I told her that Zack, her brother and her sister loved her. I told her we would all be OK.
Then I told her she had to stop fighting and let go.
I stroked her hair, I touched her hand, I kissed her forehead and I said goodbye.
I begged her to let go and die.
It was awful.
I got the call a few hours later that she had passed away.
I am grateful her suffering is over.
My life is empty now. I am lost and incomplete without her.

Ellen Silverberg Ainslie
Nov 1949 – Dec 2018
You will always be my one true love.