July 3, 2020
I am 7 weeks post-op and I’m nearly 100% recovered!
My workouts are back to being full-on intensity. I’m back up to 100 pull-up workouts, intense ring work, gymnastics and hard core calisthenics.
This week I began a new type of yoga called Prasara. I had been doing a modified version of Ashtanga since 2008, but it was time for a change.
It’s been a lot of fun (and some frustration) learning new postures, transitions and movements. Prasara includes many different positions including more backbends. I have been pleasantly surprised to find that this made a immediate improvement in my scar and surgery pain.
As expected, cases of Covid are increasing in NC (and around he US) since tests are available and people are no longer hiding in their houses all the time.
Hospitalizations are also increasing, as expected. The news reports “record highs” being set every day.
Although I hoped Covid would simply disappear, I predicted this would be happening. I expect it will continue until we reach herd immunity of some sort.
My back of the napkin math calculations say that if we’ve had 5% of our US population infected, that we’ll see something like 12 to 20 times more infections until Covid has passed through the entire population.
I expect these infections will be accompanied by similar surges in hospitalizations, deaths, suffering, asymptotic cases, etc.
Hang on. This is going to go on for a while. I’d guess at least 18 months.
The Raleigh city pools open next week for lap swimming – with social distancing rules in place. I have already reserved my lane and will be there.
I am hoping we don’t go into full stay-at-home lockdown again in response to the current and future peaks of Covid, but only time will tell if that happens.
Still painting. Still drumming. Still walking the dogs a lot.
I miss more social contact, but will get a glimmer of this when I return to the pool next week.