September 10, 2020
I’ve made a point to talk more to people around me whenever I am out. I’ve been leaving my phone off. I’ve started conversations that go beyond “How are you? I’m fine. Bye.”
You know what I’ve found? Other people are as desperate as I am to have a real-life conversation with someone.
I’ve had conversations with complete strangers about Russian winters, dogs eating acorns, owl sounds, pull-ups, bike spoke repair, dogs, lost cats and sick neighbors.
I asked a woman from the pool who (I thought) was flirting with me out on a date. She was shocked and said, “I’m married.” Oops. I withdrew my request and said I wouldn’t be weird around her.
I’ve been trying the carnivore diet for a week now. (Look it up – it sounded nuts to me too when I first heard of it.) But I’m loving it. Since my hernia repair, any time I am full I get aches in my lower abdomen. With the carnivore diet, I have no bloating and no aches.
Plus I’m down to 146 lbs and almost rock solid. I haven’t been this lean and light since my college lifeguard years. Who knew, all it would take is hours a day of exercise and eating like an acetic. (ha!)
I’m almost never hungry.
Health-wise things are fantastic. My workouts are extreme and extremely satisfying. Tacfit Commando and Prasara Yoga have added movements and dimensions I’ve never before explored.
My hernia is as healed as it may ever be. I get occasional aches and pains, but no signs of recurrence thus far.
Swimming is still a blast. My pool is closing for a month of maintenance so it will be challenging to get a lane at the smaller pools that are open, but I’ll manage.
Fall is here and the temps have occasionally fallen from highs in the mid 90s to the mid 80s. It’s pretty fantastic. I love fall in Raleigh.