My friend, who used to be a writing professor and has published one book has ben harping on me for years to write a book.
First, he encouraged me to write a book about sales, since I had published 100 posts for Inside Sales Dude. I had no interest in writing a book. After all, I already wrote the posts.
Yesterday, I was telling him stories about the 10 women I dated and the lessons I learned froths experience. He said, “You should write a book and call it 100 Dates After My Wife Died. It would be a best seller.”
I laughed.
Then I went home a read about what it takes to get a book published and marketed.
No thanks.
I will undoubtedly continue to write about my dating life and the women I meet. It helps me process my thoughts and also document my mindset at a particular time.
It’s quite revealing to review posts I wrote as recently as 3 months ago and realize how emotionally distracted (or crazy) I was.
But as for writing a book, I have no interest in going down the rathole of self promotion, agent submissions, and publishing solicitations. I don’t want learn that business.
I can write whatever I want to and publish it right here. Right now. For me and for you.
And that, my friends, is freedom.