Lately there have been a number of news headlines, government “whistle blowers” and “credible sources” (including laughably, congressmen) who all purport that the US government has extensive information about UFOs. So naturally, the news media, pundits and conspiracy nuts are speculating constantly about this.
Everyone seems to have an option that they want to share – whether it’s their doomsday prediction, their fantasy of a common enemy for mankind to battle, their conspiracy theories about government secrets etc.
I pay no attention any of this whatsoever. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
I used to love thinking about space travel and UFOs. I watched Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone and Star Trek. I read many science fiction books. One of my all-time favorite movies was Close Encounters of The Third Kind (a more recent movie favorite, which was absolutely brilliant, is District 9).
Now I don’t pay any attention to UFO speculations, podcasts or articles.
- One, because any idiot can speculate. If I want to hear an idiot’s opinion, I’ll talk to myself.
- Two, because lots of people can sound “credible”. If I learned anything from the Covid Pandemic, it’s that credentials and experience don’t equate to honesty or expertise.
- Three, and most importantly, WTF can I do about it?
If alien life comes to earth and everything goes to shit, I have a plan. If anything else happens, I’ll deal with it when it does.