All politicians are garbage and will disappoint you in the end.
Katherine Mangu-Ward, Editor-In-Chief, Reason
This line, said partially in jest on a recent Reason podcast, sums up my experience with politicians. Maybe there are some politicians who actually deliver on their promises, represent their constituents and are not prioritizing their own wants first, but I’ve never met them.
Before I stopped voting, I thought long and hard about my experience as a lifelong voter who bought into the trope that it was my “duty as a good citizen” to vote. I don’t buy this anymore.
Today, the “most important election in our lifetime” (again apparently) is underway. Pundits and politicians are declaring this is a vote for the future of the country, the future of democracy, the protection of our children from pedophiles, the safety of our borders, yada, yada, yada.
I’m reading a novel about a family living in the Middle Ages in England. It’s fascinating to see the parallels between society back then today. There are wealthy landlords and leaders who levy taxes on the masses who labor as farmers, shipbuilders, shopkeepers, prostitutes, blacksmiths, etc.
The “people” expect and are promised protection, security and some measure of stability from their leaders. Just like today, they receive only a modicum of this. In this particular novel, the family’s village is pillaged by Viking Marauders. The lord and his soldiers were not there to protect them. In fact, they only showed up weeks later when it was time to collect taxes.
The people received little help from the Lord. He made a speech about God and offered only a 3 month tax abatement for the burned down town.
I’m seeing parallels to our governments delivering “pandemic relief payments” of a few thousand dollars that was supposed to help cover lost wages, inflation and challenges during the 3 years pandemic and lockdowns.
Or, we could look at the “Prescription discounts” that Biden keeps talking about which haven’t helped anyone since a) they are not in effect b)are limited to a select list of drugs.
Or, we could think about protection. Is the government protecting you from riots and protests? How about from crime? From mass shooters? From inflation? From a bad economy? From monopolies? From price gouging? From predatory gas prices?
Hmm. Methinks not.
I love reading about stories from the past and studying history. People haven’t changed. When I read history, it informs me of what to expect in the present.
As for politicians, I already know.