The pools where regularly I swim are managed by the city’s Parks & Recreation Department. I’m a big fan of these pools, the staff, the hours and the facilities. Unfortunately for me, as a daily swimmer, the pools close for many Federal and State Holidays. Adding in scheduled maintenance closures, kid’s swim meets and occasional emergency repairs means that I am left without a place to swim for ~3 weeks throughout the year.
During those dry days, I’ll trek to an Aquatic Center in a neighboring city. I can usually get a swim in there except for mayor holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, when everything is closed. The commute is 40 miles round trip and the center is usually jammed with swim teams, but it’s better than nothing. (Actually, it’s pretty great – it’s just a long drive.)
Over the New Year’s holiday break this year, I decided to check out the YMCA pool that’s near me. They offered a free 7 day trial pass. Even better, they were open on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and the day after when my pools were closed.
The YMCA was phenomenal. It was like the Taj Mahal. Their pool was beautiful with a salt water filtration system. The locker room was immaculate. They gave out free towels, coffee and tea. The staff was so friendly and solicitous that I thought they were putting me on at first. My fellow swimmers were nice and offered to share lanes. It was more crowded than my regular pool with families, classes and other swimmers. Since the YMCA offers a full gym, pickle-ball, basketball courts, childcare, senior classes and much more it’s a big draw for the local community. If it wasn’t so crowded, I’d consider making it my regular pool, but I prefer not having to share a lane which the city pools usually have.
I wish the YMCA offered a day pass that I could purchase for the occasional days when my regular pools are closed. But they do not. And the trial membership is only valid once a year.
After swimming there over the holiday I thought, “If I was rich, I’d get a YMCA membership and use it as my backup pool.” The 10 minute commute was a dream compared to my usual hour plus drive to my current backup pool.
I kept thinking about this for several days. I calculated the cost of a YMCA monthly membership and simply couldn’t justify it when realistically I’d probably only use it for 15-20 days a year.
Then I calculated the real costs of swimming at my backup pool:
- Daily Fee – $6
- Driving costs per swim – $20 (estimated $.50/mile)
- Aggravation cost with swim team schedules- No dollar amount, but definitely a price paid
- Commute – A real bummer that sucks up 1.5-2 hours.
When I added these up, my “soft costs” come really close to the price of a YMCA membership. Really close.
So, despite my frugal lifestyle and reluctance to spend a penny more than I need to, I think I’m going to bite the bullet and join the YMCA.
After all, I’m spending the money anyway. It just “feels” like I’m spending less when I don’t factor in the the commuting costs for my backup pool. Eliminating the frustration around scheduling and drive time is the icing on top. That freedom of mind space is invaluable to me.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll make it my regular place if it’s not so crowded during non holidays. Maybe I’ll make new friends.
And, if it doesn’t work out, I can always quit and go back to what I’ve been doing.