When I listen to an interesting podcast or watch an TV show, I’ll often check out the background of the people. I’m curious to see their work history, education, age and appearance. Most of the time, a quick search reveals personal websites, business related websites, wikipedia pages, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Lately, I’ve noticed that many people have stopped updating certain social media accounts. I don’t bother to look at Facebook at all. Instagram is also fading in popularity. At least half the people haven’t updated their accounts since mid-Pandemic. Twitter usage seems to have dropped off a cliff post-Pandemic, post-Trump and the Elon ownership era.
It’s reported that 150 million people in the US use TikTok (by TikTok, who has a vested interest in selling ads, so I’m skeptical about this number), but I usually avoid looking at it. Most videos are inane. Besides, I don’t have an account, so my access is limited. I’m not curious enough about some random actor, author or speaker to give TikTok access to my phone and data.
I think that social media has jumped the shark. Perhaps, like me, others are finding the benefits of likes, follows, and attention are not enough. I suspect that 5+ years of trying to find fame and fortune via social media has helped people realize it’s a waste of time and energy.
I think the Internet has jumped the shark too. Shopping online works well. Realtime driving directions do too. Niche, targeted sites for very specific information are helpful (eg. Honda Fit maintenance info, restaurant menus, library hours). But for general information, entertainment or engagement, it’s mostly the exact same regurgitated information on every site. (For example – do a search on any medical condition and you’ll be presented with WebMd, Healthline, LiveStrong, and 20 other sites that deliver word-for-word identical information interspersed among ads.)
With ChatGPT and its ilk, this duplication of low quality information will undoubtedly get exponentially worse.
I have found a solution. I only use the Internet for very specific tasks. My dogs, nature, books, drawing, experts, and human interaction provide me with more reliable and rewarding results.