In the Solo Podcast community and forum, there’s a fair amount of discussion about how “unfair” society is to single people (vs. married people). Frequently people post about married people receiving better insurance benefits, tax benefits, travel & lodging discounts and other preferential treatment.
When I read or hear these complaints, I am tempted to play the world’s tiniest violin for the complainers. I don’t, because I am not a totally inconsiderate a$$hole. But I think about it.
One group of community members is working on a “Solo Bill of Rights”. Its mission is create a list of “rights” that Solo’s “ought to have”. I think the plan is to then use this document to advocate for Solo Rights to local governments, elected officials, corporations and national politicians.
Good f***ing luck.
When I think of the battles for Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Religious Freedom and LGB Rights, I consider the decades of effort that preceded even incremental changes. First, society had to change. Books and TV had to expose the broader public to new ideas. Eventually businesses made changes because they saw an opportunity to make money. Then, years or decades later, government did something.
I’ll be long dead before a “Solo Bill Of Rights” becomes anything like a widespread law.
For me personally, advocating for this type of systemic change (or even worse, protesting for it) is a waste of effort.
I liken it to fighting a battle I can never win.
If I wanted to change how Solos are treated, I’d start with how I treat them in personal and business environments. I’d try to be a living example.
I’m not trying to change the world.
As for the Solo BOR, it’s not my cause. There are other causes I feel much more passionate about like animal rescue, poverty and education.
I’ve spent way too much of my life fighting battles I cannot win.
And, I am well aware I cannot “win” a “war” against animal abuse, poverty or bad education. But, I can make a difference for one person, one animal and maybe one school.
That to me, feels like a win.