Generals always prepare to fight the last war – especially if they won it. George Clemenceau
I have been reading the book “Generations” by Jean Twenge. It it she presents compares and contrasts 6 American generations: Silent – Boomers – GenX – Millenials – Gen Z – Gen Alpha.
Twenge says, “They have had vastly different life experiences and thus, one assumes, they must have different beliefs and behaviors. But what are those differences, what causes them, and how deep do they actually run? Generations is a deep dive into a treasure trove of long-running, government-funded surveys and databases to answer these questions.”
For me, a numbers and graphs nerd and history buff, this book is great.
I now understand a lot more about what has shaped people across different generations. The differences between people from my generation (GenX) and others goes much further than our biological ages.
Part of this book’s discussion focuses on work and career. As I read the GenX chapter, I was thinking fondly of my most rewarding work at fast paced startups where I was part of tight-knit teams of people all working together “change the world and make an impact”.
It got me thinking – I’m probably too old for that now.
Like the military tactics of the Generals who won the old wars, the tools and approaches my teams used in to be successful in sales are yesterday’s news.
I’m smart and focused and persistent. There’s no doubt in my mind I could figure out new approaches that would work today using social media, TikTok, video and AI.
Except…why would I?
I made my mark over a 30 year career. I don’t need more money (even if I’d like some more). I don’t have the financial pressures of supporting others anymore. I have everything I need and much of what I want.
And so, I’ve aged out. I accept that it’s no longer my time to shine in business.
I see others grasping onto this for far too long.
- Politicians who hang on well past their productive (and even cognitive) years like Biden, McConnell, Pelosi et al.
- Celebrities and former beauty queens trying to stay relevant and popular far past their prime.
- Wealthy oligarchs ranging from Trump to Murdoch to Redtone and others.
Not everyone is willing to pass the torch gracefully.
Eventually, it won’t matter. Father Time always wins.