I posted a link in the Solo forum to the Huberman podcast episode on how sugar and processed foods affect human health and described how eliminating both from my diet impacted me. Based on a few of the responses, you’d have thought I had directly criticized other people’s diets.
One person agreed with some of the content, while making a not about “privilege” and poverty related food deserts preventing some people from being able to eat healthy food before concluding that she’d never give up her white rice and gummy bears.
Uh ok.
I wasn’t asking anyone to change their diet. I was simply posting an interesting podcast episode and offering my personal experience with eliminating certain foods from my diet. My thinking was, I wish I had known about this a long time ago. It would have saved me decades of fighting obesity, struggling with my weight, migraines and other issues.
Other responders were more positive, but still defended their current dietary choices and body sizes. Interestingly, neither the podcast nor my commentary focused on body issues or obesity.
I was a bit perplexed by the responses. After ruminating about them for a bit, I came to the realization that nobody wanted to hear how I adopted a strict diet and had good results because they don’t want to change the way they eat.
It was similar to the reactions I got from friends 20 years ago when I told them I had a problem with alcohol and had quit drinking. They immediately got defensive explaining how they did not have a drinking problem.
Meanwhile, I never suggested they drank to much. My telling them wasn’t a condemnation of their drinking. It was a confession of my own problem and what I was doing to address it.
But, like the Solo people, what my friends heard was a critique of their own behavior.
Well, now I know.
This is another one of those things I shouldn’t talk about unless I am directly asked.
My bad.