I have been reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond in which he presents his reasoning for how human societies developed from nomadic hunter gatherer tribes to agricultural empires to modern day civilizations. If you have any interest in civilization and history, I highly recommend this book.
As I’ve been reading, I can’t help but notice that with the exception of small hunter gatherer tribes, every society was led by a small group of privileged leaders. These leaders were supported by the people they ruled over via taxes, tributes, royalties, etc.
It made no difference whether the leaders were monarchs, oligarchs, elected officials, authoritarians, aristocrats, or dictators. They could be benevolent or malevolent, fair or unfair, kind or cruel. In every case, the few ruled over the many and also had more wealth, privileges, rights and prestige.
It occurred to me that things are no different today.
In Russia, there rulers include Putin and his oligarchs. In the Middle East, it’s the Royal Families. In the US, it’s our elected officials – many of whom came from wealthy families, and most of whom, once in, enjoy opportunities to make immense fortunes from opportunities not available to the rest of society.
We have unions that protest for fair labor laws and better pay. We have students demanding free education and guaranteed job opportunities. We have nonprofits pressing for cheaper housing.
I think they are all being delusional.
They might, occasionally, have some short term success or win some small victory. But history is against them in the long run.
I don’t demand fairness, equal opportunity or wealth sharing because to me, these are just childish fantasies. My expectations are grounded in reality. I will fight, when necessary, for things which I can impact.
For the rest of these desires, I wish they would come true. But I wouldn’t count on it.