Everything’s coming together.
In two weeks, I’ll be off on my journey.
Both cats are safe and appear to be happy in their new loving homes.
The house is under contract. The inspection, survey and appraisal are done. We’re now just waiting for the closing in April.
I pick up my camper next week.
My truck cap was installed last week. Over the weekend I did a test pack with all of my stuff. It fits. (I’ve been told I’ll be discarding some of my stuff once I’m on the road and find I don’t use it.)
I’ve been sleeping on the floor on my air mattress for several days. After a couple of rough nights, I got used to it.
The movers are scheduled to take my remaining furniture to Zack next week.
I tested my solar setup. It works! I can power my fridge, a light, a fan, a laptop and a phone off the grid.
The bucket toilet experiment went fine.
I haven’t tested my solar shower yet, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.
I have all my gear (I think. If not, I’ll pick up what I need when on the road.)
I’ve said my goodbyes to my neighbors. I’ve updated family and friends.
The only thing left to do is some wiring and a few modifications inside the camper after I get it home.
I’m starting to feel like going out on the road is the right move instead of “the only thing I can think of or getting out of here”.
There’s no more prep. I am excited at the thought of sleeping under the night sky, seeing the Rockies and being immersed in nature.
Yesterday, was the first day in a long time that I thought about my wife and didn’t cry. I don’t think for a second that I’m finished mourning her. I still think about her everyday and nearly all the time.
I miss my her. God I miss her.
I miss Buster and Lilly. Not as much because I know they are safe and happy.
I miss the life we had together as a family.
But that life is over.
The house is sold.
A lifetime of possessions have been given away.
My cats are in new homes.
My wife is dead.
I’m about to start my second life.
I suppose I’ve been doing this ever since I decided to stop going through the motions of life and started planning this road/camping trip.
I might never end the road trip.
Or I might find somewhere to settle down.
I don’t know.
But whatever happens, I hope I meet up with some of you on the road.