I visit the library a few times a month. When I’m there, I drop off books, browse for new ones and pickup books on hold. Most times, I’m moseying around for about 30 minutes.
You know what I never see at the library?
- Transvestites reading to little kids for story hour
- Armed Proud Boys Protesting “Woke Books”
- Woke Liberals Rioting Against Book Bannings
You’d think, based on national news coverage that this was happening all over the country. I’m in North Carolina. We’re the home of the “bathroom controversy” from a few years ago. Our GOP majority state legislature drafts and passes bills that inflame the right and antagonize the left. We have banned books list controversies, a very “religious” GOP and some fairly conservative policies.
But I see none of this at the library.
Here’s what I see:
- Friendly staff helping people.
- Moms bringing babies and toddlers for children’s programs
- Senior Citizens reading
- Teens and Adults using computers
- Pairs of people huddled at a table having hushed conversations.
- People like me, browsing the aisles and the new books tables
There is a security guard at the library. But he’s not posted at the entrance. He doesn’t eyeball suspicious characters or pat people down. He sits back near the information desk waiting for a chance to chat pleasantly with the staff and patrons.
You know what I think? I think there is no controversy.
I think the news and politicians stir up this extreme rhetoric to drive fundraising, personal name recognition and attract attention.
People who pay attention to it get mad. Even I get mad when I think of some of the stupid shenanigans from all three sides – right, left and media.
So I try to pay no attention to it at all.
Which, it turns out, is actually pretty easy when I’m at the library where none of it is happening.