It seems like every day there’s another news article touting the dangers of microplastics and the fact that they are now found everywhere – in our food, the soil, the soil, water and our bodies.
The articles then go on to warn about the dangers (and potential dangers) these pose to human health.
It reminds me of the warnings about mercury in fish. Apparently mercury has been found in nearly all ocean fish- which means, if you ate fish, you have consumed mercury.
And, naturally, we as individuals cannot do anything about either one.
Sure, we can limit our direct, intentional contact with micro plastics by avoiding Tupperware, plastic dishes and the like. We can reduce our mercury exposure by not eating fish.
But there is plenty out there in the soil, water and air to further damage our bodies thorough direct and indirect absorption or consumption.
I’ve decided to handle this the way I handle most things over which I have no control. I’m going to do my best to limit my exposure to both the harmful substances as well as any discussions of them.
I cannot imagine a world in which micro-plastics or mercury are reduced because of my worrying about them.
There’s plenty of bad news already. I don’t need more.