29 years ago I walked into a Mail Boxes store to interview for a job and met my future wife.
I didn’t realize it at the time.
I walked up to the counter of the store and was ran smack into a beautiful woman with a big wide smile and sparkling blue eyes. I could barely make eye contact with her. My heart raced, my eyes watered and I looked at the floor as I stammered that I was there for an interview.
Fortunately, I didn’t have to interview with her. I’d have never gotten the job.
Over the next few weeks as I worked with Ellen we got to know each other. I learned she had recently separated from her husband and had two children. She seemed like she came from money – classy, educated, charming and from a good family. I couldn’t figure out why she was working at the store. I thought maybe she just needed something to do while her kids were at school. She was totally unlike me – a college dropout with limited prospects and pretty low self- esteem.
But unlike the few other wealthy people I had met, Ellen put me instantly at ease. She was always sweet and kind and had a smile that lit up the room.
She was way out of my league. Nonetheless we became work friends. She was easy to talk to and having a beautiful friend at work wasn’t so bad.
A few months later was our company Christmas party. I knew everyone was bringing a date – including Ellen.
I was gaga for Ellen. But if she had any interest in me, I had clearly missed all the signals.
So instead of being the lone man out, I took a blind date to the party. To my surprise, Ellen showed up without a date!
Sometime early in the evening after we both had a few drinks, she pulled me aside and said,
“I can’t believe you brought a date! I wouldn’t have even come to the party if I knew you were bringing a date”
Stunned again (and slightly buzzed), I replied,
“Seriously? If I thought I had any chance of being with you I’d have never brought a date.” (Another fine example of my sophistication and charm.)
And then she kissed me.
We’ve been together ever since.
Many people would have predicted we wouldn’t last. But once I was with her, I knew I’d never leave.
We raised 2 kids + 3 dogs + 3 cats. We moved over 4800 miles up and down the East Coast 5 times plus within our town a few times.
We took Zack to baseball, Liz to dance, did homework, made after school pickups, worked, walked the dogs, gardened (her), exercised (me) and spent nearly every night together for the past 3 decades except when I had to travel overnight for work.
Our lives have been an adventure packed with comedy and tragedy but always filled with love.
Without her, I’d never have become the man I am today.
She is and always will be my one true love.