My life continues to be consistently fantastic.
Some people might find it boring, but to me it is rich and full.
I wake at 4:45AM, feed and walk the dogs in the predawn hours and then workout for the rest of the morning.
I swim every afternoon.
I walk Wiggles several times a day for several hours total regardless of the weather.
I play the drums most days and paint several times a week.
Some weeks I write essays for my blog. Other weeks I paint more.
I eat lunch and dinner alone – except for my two begging dogs.
I miss having Ellen around to share meals with but one good result is that I do not spend time mindlessly consuming excess calories while vegging in front of the TV. (Made easier since I no longer have a TV, cable or Netflix and since I’m following a strict carnivore/keto diet and no longer buy anything “bad” to eat.)
I have struggled avoiding the news and politics lately. When I’m bored, I’ll check the news online and suddenly I’m sucked into the vortex of speculation, doom and gloom.
I’m tired of Covid. I’m tired of the pandemic. I’m tired of Trump and Biden and US politics altogether.
Some days, I’ll not look at a screen for most of the day. Those are my best days.