Due to a cancellation, I had my inguinal hernia repair surgery three days ago.
I’ll write a separate post detailing the surgical procedure in case other men who have this condition are looking for details.
I’ll spare everyone else the details.
Suffice it to say, I am on the other side of the surgery. There is near constant pain. I cannot function in ways I like – such as raising my arms overhead, twisting and reaching, carrying anything etc.
As for exercise – forget it.
Mostly I lay around with an ice pack and watch Netflix or read.
Walks have been limited to around the block.
My dogs are adjusting well. It’s been raining for three straight days so that also dampens their enthusiasm for long walks.
I hope I experience some significant improvement soon. I’d like to be able to at least do some gentle stretching and long walks soon.
As for maintaining good physical condition – that’s not going to happen. I can see now I will have major atrophy and decline in my strength, flexibility, endurance and agility.
I am not a happy camper.
But it will get better and I’ll get back into shape. It will take a lot longer than had hoped.