Maybe I won’t get another dog.
Back in 2008, after Ziggy died, we were left with just our little old man Shortie and the cats. We gave Shortie lots of extra love and attention since he and Ziggy had spent every day together for nearly a decade. Shortie seemed to love it. He even started playing fetch with a tennis ball again and prancing around to play. A few months later, when I brought home Snickers, he accepted her immediately. But, he was a frail old man by then and when she got excited to eat or play, she would run into him and knock him over.
When Shortie died the next year, my wife did not want to get another dog. She said she didn’t want to take care of 2 dogs while I was at work all day. I wanted another dog, but reluctantly agreed because she was right. As much as I loved my dogs, I worked all the time and could only spend time with them in the early morning and late evening hours.
So Snickers was my only dog for about 10 years. She was easy to take care of. She was small, great on the leash and healthy. She loved to lay in the sun while my wife gardened or hang out in the yard when I worked out. She was perfect in the car. She learned to use a dog door so we could leave her at home for extended periods of time without worrying about getting home to let her out. During my road trip, she was the perfect partner.
I decided to get Wiggles 3 years ago for me. I knew Snickers didn’t care about getting a companion. I figured she’d accept one, and she did.
But I ran into the same old dog, young dog problem. Wiggles had so much energy and strength, she literally bowled Snickers over when playing, running or getting excited.
Snickers tolerated her but I don’t think she really liked having a young puppy around. I can’t blame her.
It’s been a month now that it’s been just me and Wiggles. Every evening I look at the Petfinder searching for my next “Snickers”.
To prevent a mismatch this time, I’m looking for a small dog who is close in age to Wiggles.
But lately I’ve been having second thoughts.
Shortie was happier before we added Snickers to our family. Snickers was happier and calmer before Wiggles joined us.
And now, Wiggles is changing. She is noticeably less wound up as a single dog. She barks less. She gets less agitated at kids on bikes. She’s friendlier to strangers. She’s more mushy and clingy with me – following me around the house.
Mornings are easier. We walk peacefully without a barking frenzy. Meals are relaxed because there’s no dog vs. dog food issues. We play together more because my time and attention isn’t divided.
As much as I miss Snickers, I’m started to reconsider whether I will adopt another dog.
I’m not so sure another dog would make life better for me or Wiggles.
I like the idea of having two dogs. I like the idea that they would be companions for each other. I like the idea of being part of a bigger pack.
But I also know another dog means more noise, more vet visits, tangled leashes, dogs competing, more challenges and more poop.
I think I already know the answer.
I need to live in the real world vs. the one I fantasize about my head. In the real world, I’m better suited with one good dog.
And I have her right now.