Yesterday I did a big purge of my stuff. But purging for me is not just useful for things I own. It is something I do with family, friends, relationships, digital data, activities and even now, even memories.
When I have too much of anything – especially when it doesn’t spark joy, it becomes a weight on my shoulders. It sucks up valuable attention and focus. Paring back has become an effective way for me to ensure I invest my time and energy on what matters most to me.
I make deliberate choices not to succumb to guilt trips, social expectations, fitting-in, obligations I have not accepted, or how people perceive me. I’d rather focus on a few good friendships, a few reading activities, a few good dogs and a few good memories while letting everything else float away.
I’ve been doing this all of my life, in bits and pieces. After all, I’m a runner. I have a history of leaving everything behind. At times, I’ve regretted it. Most times, it served me well. Regardless, it is part of me.
I’m at peace with how I life today. I’m no longer running away but I’m no longer carrying the loads I have not chosen either.