The midterm elections are coming up in a few weeks. Since I de-registered myself earlier this year, I am paying next to no attention to these at all. I’m aware that some of my local douchebag politicians are retiring and others are running again so they can continue to feed at the public trough. Whatever…some things never change.
Since I don’t watch TV or local news, I am spared from the onslaught of political ads. Some still hit me on the Internet, but I use ad blockers and fast forwarding to avoid most of them.
I still see the snipe signs when I’m driving though. Every candidate has them stuck in medians, berms and corners where there is traffic. And since I swim at public pools that are adjacent to polling places, I see even more of them.
I ignore them as but I can. They are eyesores but I don’t do anything about them.
Or, I didn’t, until some jagoff decided to put snipe signs on the corner of my street. It’s a residential neighborhood. We don’t have high traffic. Occasionally a lawn company’s, a “buy houses for cash” company or a mattress sale company will plant a snipe sign around here but otherwise, we’re ad-free and get to enjoy the greenery, the deer and the neighborhood without being “marketed to”.
This particular jagoff posted 2 signs within 20 feet of each other.
I fixed it for him. I pulled them both out and put them in a nearby trash can.
Stay off my (neighborhood’s) lawn.