Ever since I made up my mind to introduce myself to the Girl In The Floppy Hat a few weeks ago, I hadn’t seen her. Until yesterday.
Since I have been running into her every day for the past year as we’re walking our dogs in opposite directions, I figured she must have moved away. After all, like me, she’s been consistent and predictable with her dog walks.
When I saw her across the street yesterday I had both my dogs with me and they were going nuts, so introducing myself was out of the question. I need to do that when I just have Wiggles with me.
I don’t know anything about the GITFH other than she’s a dedicated dog walker like me who probably lives nearby and that she has trained her aggressive dog to sit quietly and wait for a treat anytime another dogs passes by. I’m super impressed with her patience and control of her dog.
I doubt the feeling is mutual since Wiggles goes apeshit anytime a bike passes and I have yet to be able to calm her down.
In my imagination, I’ll introduce myself to the GITFH, finally see her face and we’ll become friends who talk sometimes. Then, I’ll ask her out for a date. After that who knows…?
From a distance she seems cute. Of course, I have no idea what she really looks like. For all I know, she might be in her 20s or 30s. If she is, I’ll skip the asking for a date part of my fantasy. I can’t picture dating anyone that much younger than me.
Thinking realistically, I’ll likely just make an introduction and we’ll just wave to each other as we walk by each day.
And actually, that’s fine too. I have made a number of loose connections like that in my neighborhood. One more won’t hurt at all.