Last week it got cold here in Raleigh, NC after a long, hot summer and a beautiful extended fall. The early morning temperatures are now dropping into the low 40s and even the upper 30s. For me, that is freezing!
It’s almost winter so I knew this was coming. Before I broke out my winter gear, I spent a few hours looking online for thermal base layer clothing, hats, mittens and coats. I was thinking I might need some new gear to stay warm.
Fortunately, I’m a cheapskate. Everything was too expensive. It’s all at full price with no major Black Friday sales discounts. So instead, I pulled on my heavier warmup pants, my winter base layer shirts, my old jacket and the mittens I bought last year.
And you know what? They were all perfectly fine. In fact, they were were better than fine, they were fantastic. I was warm. They fit well. And I didn’t have to spend one cent or one minute being something new.
Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy having enough. I think I want a second heavy winter coat- even though I have one. I think I need more winter base layer shirts – although I own five of these and only wear two of them a week. I think I need new mittens – until I buy them and realize the ones I already own are better.
Back when I was working, I used to buy a lot. I had so much stuff, I’d forget what I already owned.
My wife was even worse. Unlike me, she liked to shop and did so frequently. After she died and I was getting rid of her stuff, I found hundreds of T-Shirts and dozens of pants in her closet. Many still had the tags on them and had never been worn.
Living in my truck and mini camper for two months was revelatory for me. I learned exactly how little I really needed.
Everything I owned had to fit in the 4×6 bed of my truck – clothes, food, electronics, tools, emergency supplies.
By the time my trip was over, I realized that I could have gotten by with even less than I took with me then.
Being in house means I no loner have the space constraints of living in my truck. It’s wonderful to have things like running water, plumbing and a garage to workout in.
I like having a dresser and closets for my clothes.
I really like having a full sized kitchen with a silverware drawer, a set of dishes and good cookware.
There’s just about nothing I need – there than occasional replenishing of supplies and replacement of worn out items.
Another benefit of owning just what I need is the I can find everything in seconds. I am super organized. This, having space and putting everything I own in its proper place makes life a joy.
Every once in a while, I think about buying more – more clothes, more house, more dogs, more stuff. 90% of the time, I realize I don’t need more and don’t want more.
5% of the time, I almost buy something I don’t need.
And occasionally, I do buy it. However, I’l often cancel the purchase before it ships for return it if it isn’t perfect or I realize it’s not needed.
When I first heard of minimalists living back in 2008, I was intrigued. I downsized a lot back then and fund a lot of pleasure in living that way.
I had no idea I’d end up coming this far.
Today, I could live out of backpack if I wanted to. I don’t want to. But I know I could if I needed to. Perhaps someday I will.