I think about death every day. I have constant thoughts about my wife. I dream about her several nights a week. I see pictures on my wall every day that remind me of how much I loved her.
I think about my little sunshine puppy who died 18 months ago. My heart still aches for her too.
I think about my Aunt Es, Uncle Bob, Uncle Russ, Gram and Grampa who all died more than 40 years ago when I was a child.
I think about my own death.
I see people dying all around me. My neighborhood is filled with elderly residents who retired and moved here 25 years ago when they were (relatively) young and healthy. Many are in their 80s and 90s and visibly deteriorating in their old age.
I swim with the oldsters. There are a few middle aged people like me at the pool but the majority of swimmers are senior citizens. Some have difficulty walking, getting in/out of the pool, use canes & walkers and have other signs of fading health.
I notice when someone takes a turn for the worse. I notice how they walk. I see the weight loss or changes in mobility. I notice them moving slower. I see other physical signs of decline.
So when I read that Nancy Pelosi fell and broke her hip recently, I was not surprised. She’s 84. It doesn’t matter how wealthy and powerful she is, she’s going to die too – probably sooner than I will.
Then one day we’ll read the news about Biden dying. Then it will be Trump. Then the rockstars, billionaires and celebrities who once graced the headlines.
Then you and me.
Anytime I start to worry about the future I remind myself of this.
You might think it would make me depressed or morose.
On the contrary, it brings me great comfort and peace.