My neighbor stopped by the other day to ask if I could feed his dogs while he’s out of town. When he rang the doorbell, I was about 20 minutes into a 30 minute nap. I immediately woke up because my dogs went ballistic to ward off the “intruder”. Waking up from nap a few minutes early was no big deal, except I was a little out of it while chatting with my neighbor.
We spoke about my new dog, his child who’s in his 2nd year of school, his upcoming trip and his baby, which is due in a few months. I’m pretty clueless about pregnancy and small babies, having had no experience with them. I asked if they had done a sonogram yet. They had. He showed me some images on his phone, pointing out features like lips, hands and legs. It looked like a little alien to me. But even in my stupor I knew better than to say that.
Instead, I said, “Ow wow… how cool…your baby looks almost human!”