Shortly after I nodded off last night Wiggles shot out of the dog door with a bark that woke me up. In my fugue state, I thought I heard a faint “peep” sound, but chalked it up to being awakened unexpectedly from a dream.
I waited for a few minutes to hear Wiggles com back in so I could get up and shut the doggie door for the night. She didn’t return. Finally, after now becoming completely awake I got up, opened the slider and called her to come back.
She still didn’t come. However, I could see her at the back of the yard sniffing and eating something. I assumed it was a pile of rabbit poop – one of her favorite treats. After calling a few more times while she totally ignored me, I got some dog treats and used them to lure her back in. She ran in, then dashed back out. The second time I was able to lock her in.
I figured it must be a huge pile of rabbit pellets or possibly a dead mouse that had captivated her. I’d go out in the morning after daylight to get rid of it.
Wiggles had other ideas. She stood in front of the slider and whined, whimpered and barked urgently. I could not get her to shut up and lay down. Finally, I got up, got dressed and went outside to see what she wanted.
It was a dead bunny.
Apparently, Wiggles saw it through the window, dashed out into the yard and killed it. That “peep” I heard was likely it’s last noise.
I disposed of the bunny then brought Wiggles out on a leash so she could see and smell that it was gone. After she confirmed this, she calmed down. When we went back inside, she immediately jumped up onto my bed to burrow under the covers in her usual spot up against me.
A part of me was horrified. My little baby is an assassin.