When something upsets me, it can feel all encompassing in the moment. Sometimes that moment extends into hours and occasionally into the next day.
Most of the time it doesn’t.
Almost everything I think is so important, just isn’t.
In a few days or weeks, whatever made me agitated is just a memory. In a year, there might be a crumbling hint of a reminiscence.
I’ve learned to not take slights so personally.
Very few people or institutions care enough to purposely try to hurt me. I believe most people are trying to do the right thing. If they inadvertently cause me grief, it’s not their intention.
And when I take time to step back and consider my “injury”, it’s rarely significant. Usually it’s just a bruised ego or a momentary inconvenience.
I’m far from perfect at letting things go. But I’m much better at it at 54 than I was when I was 20 or 30 or 40.
I’d like to credit it to being more mature, centered and compassionate.
But I suspect, it is more likely due to being smacked down by harder life experiences. Everything else pales in comparison.