One reason I avoid social media is because it’s full of too many people spouting off uniformed opinions and casting judgement on others.
In real life, my friends tell me one thing they like about me is that I don’t judge them. Oh, I do. I just don’t tell them.
I judge how others treat their spouses. I just how they mow their lawns. I judge how they spend their money. I just how they look, what they wear and their fitness.
At the the pool I judge how they swim, how they move, what I think they eat, how they hang out at the end of the lane too long.
I judge your car, your home maintenance, your career choices and work habits.
I do all this judgement in my head. As soon as I recognize I’m doing it, I try to counteract it with one action. I say to myself, “This is none of my business. Nobody is asking me for my opinion.”
Guess what? It’s the same thing online. Nobody wants my uniformed opinion, my head shaking, my finger pointing and my judgement.
I’ve got my blog for that (ha).